General features
LCD display 4099
Polarity display — -Auto positive/negative polarity
Overload display -“OL”or”-OL”
Drop proof — one meter
Power supply- 2 AAA 1.5V batteries
Dimension- -130mm*65mm*28mm
Weight- About 137g (including batteries) Altitude- -2000 meters
Operating temperature and humidity— -0°℃~30℃(≤80%RH),30°℃~40℃(≤75%RH), 40°℃~50℃(≤45%RH)
Storage temperature and humidity – —20°℃-+60℃(≤80%RH)
EMC –RF field(1Vm):Overall accuracy=specified accuracy±5%range.RF field (>1V/m):No specified calculation.
7.External structure
1)LCD display area,display measurement data and Function symbols.
2)Function keys,select and switch
measurement Function &mode
3)Range switch,select Function scale.
4)”VQ”measurement signal input terminal.
5)”mA/A”measurement signal input terminal.
6)Input Common Terminal (COM).
8.Key Function
b(a))L(S)o(h)ng(or)tpre(pr)s(e)s(s)so(N)rp(CV)ress(LIV)EMO(ke)Etk(o)ey(s)woin(tc)c(h)e to(be)tex(w)eit(e)NCVor(n NCV)L(a)nIV(d)E(L)Im(V)o(E).de.
2)Power/Mode key
a)Short press once to manually select range. 6事om g press for about 2s to turn on/off meter.
3)HOLD key
a)Short press once to enter hold mode,press again to exit this mode.
9 Measurement instruction
1.AC/DC voltage
1)Plug the red probe into “VQ”socket,plug the black probe into “COM”socket.
2)Select AC/DC voltage measurement scale or intelligent range scale,connect the probe to the
power source
△3A)Ttt(h)e(e)n(s)t(c)rion(een):displays the measurement result.
A o gg ge
When voltage ≥30V,LCD display high-voltage symbol*今”.
When voltage≥600V,alarm goes off and the high-voltage symbol”S”flashes.
2)Select”Q”measurement scale or intelligent range scale,connect the probe to the resistance terminals in parallel.
3)The screen displays the measurement result.
△ Attention:
- If resistancecircuit is open or the resistancevalue is higherthan the maximum range,LCD wil
Before measuring resistance,tum offall power sources of the measured circuit,and fully discharge the power of capacitor.
- If theresistancevalue is 20.5Q on short circuit state,check if the probe connectionis loose. ·Do not inputAC/DC voltage over 30V for safety.
3.Continuity detection
1)Plug the red probe into”VQ”socket,plug the blackprobe into “COM”socket.
2)ScAn intelligent identification state can be set,if users want to switch to manual mode,select “+)”range scale and connect the probe tothe terminals of circuit load in parallel.If the resistance is e302,the buzzer beeps continuously,which means the circuit is conducting.f the resistance ≥50Q,thebuzzer won’t beep.
- Beforemeasuringcontinuity,turnof all power sources of the measured circuit,and fuly discharge · the power of capacitor.
1)Plug the red probe into “VQ”socket,plug the black probe into “COM”socket.The polarity of red probe is “+”,the polarity of black probe is”-
2)Select”+”range scale,it displays direct PN junction voltage.For siicone PNjunction,the
3)The screendis playsthe measurement result. △Attention:
- If diode circuitis openor the probe is connected inversely,LCD will display “OL”
- Before measuring diode,turnoff allpowersources of the measured circuit,andfully discharge · the power of capacitor.
1)Plug the red probe into “VQ”socket,plug the black probe into “COM”socket.
2)Select “ 北 ”scale and connect the probe to the capacitance terminals,read tested result from display screen.
Ifthe capacitance is short-circuit or the capacitancevalue exceed the maximum range,LCD will display “OL”.
- Forcapacitanceover 400μF it need some times to stabiize the reading for accuracy.
To ensure measurement accuracy,the capacitance power shall be fully discharged.High-volage capacitance may damage the meter.
6.AC/DC current
1)Plug the red probe into “mA/A”socket,auto identify DC/AC current scale.
2)Plug the red probe into “mAA”socket,plug the black probe into “COM”,connect the power source or circuit in series.
3)Read sted result from display screen.
Tum off the power sourceof the circuit before connecting themeter to the circuit,carefullycheck the input terminals and the position of range switch.
- Forthe”mA/A”inputsocket if the input is overload or the operation is incorect the buit-in fuse willbreak,replace with a new fuse.
- When testing currentscale,donot connect the probe to any circuit in parallel.
When the easured current is greater than 5A,the measurement should be less than 10s,the
measuredi interval should be more than 5 minutes
7.NCV(Figure 2)
Electric field detection:When the NCV sensing end gets close to the charged electric field,such as the socket or the insulated wire,the LCDdisplays-“or–“,the buzzer beeps,green LED flicker. As the electric field strength increases the LCD display more“—,the buzzer beeps more
△Attention: L ermoreeaueny
- The NCV sensing end should get close to the electric field,otherwise the measurement sensitivity
Check ifthe conductorof electric field is insulatedwhen electric field voltage is≥100VAC.
7.NCV(Figure 2)
Electric field detection:When the NCV sensing end gets close to the charged electric field,such as the socket orthe insulated wire,the LCD displays”-“or”–“,the buzzer beeps,green LED flicker.As the electric field strength increases,the LCD display
more “—“the buzzer beeps more frequently and the redLED flicker morefrequently.
△ Attention:
- TheNCV sensing end should getclose to the electric field, otherwise the measurement sensitivity will be affected.
- Checkif theconductor of electric field is insulated when electric field voltage is≥100VAC.
8.Live wire (Figure 3)
1)Switch function range to LIVE scale
2)Plug the red probe into “VQ”socket,unplug the black probe from the socket (suspended),use the red probe to touch the socket or exposed wire to distinguish live wire and neutral wire.
3)If neutral wire or uncharged object is deteced, –“keep unchanged.
4)When it sense a live wire with a AC voltage over 70V,the LCD display LIVE”and sound-light LED indicationappears.
- Whenmeasuring LIVE Function,please unplug the
black probe from COM terminal to avoid that COM
If there is high volagelcurent the meter may provide an inacurate measurement result.An accurate measurement result is basedon the LCD display and beep frequency