Please kindly view the vedio of DVR for SVC below:

Product Description:

      DVR Output 110v and 220v voltage stabilizer stabilizer 2000VA voltage regulators single phase

                                      DVR Output 110v and 220v voltage stabilizer stabilizer 2000VA voltage regulators single phase                                                        DVR Output 110v and 220v voltage stabilizer stabilizer 2000VA voltage regulators single phase                                                       DVR Output 110v and 220v voltage stabilizer stabilizer 2000VA voltage regulators single phase                                                       DVR Output 110v and 220v voltage stabilizer stabilizer 2000VA voltage regulators single phase

Packing & delivery

            DVR Output 110v and 220v voltage stabilizer stabilizer 2000VA voltage regulators single phase                  DVR Output 110v and 220v voltage stabilizer stabilizer 2000VA voltage regulators single phaseDVR Output 110v and 220v voltage stabilizer stabilizer 2000VA voltage regulators single phase